Treatment Of Endocrine Ophthalmology - Vision Without Glasses Scam or Not?  

Edematous exophthalmos more common (62.7%), endocrine myopathy frequency takes second place (21.7%), less likely to seek to ophthalmology patients with thyrotoxic exophthalmos (15.6%).

Typically, endocrine ophthalmology develops in one direction starts with thyrotoxic exophthalmos, which can go into edematous exophthalmos, and sometimes fail picture endocrine myopathy. When the last two forms of extra-ocular muscle and orbital tissue morphologically first noted intense cellular infiltration, giving place to the stage of fibrosis.

Treatment of endocrine ophthalmology - Up to 78% of patients with endocrine ophthalmology in need of treatment, opinion on the possibility of self-regression of the disease is unfounded. Isolation of thyrotoxic exophthalmos and edema and endocrine myopathy suggests that regression of symptoms is possible only if thyrotoxic exophthalmos.

Edematous exophthalmos and endocrine myopathy, unfortunately, do not regress on own.Read another Informative Article On Hemorrhoid Cure (

Moreover, when unimpeded development they tend to lead to disability of patients as a result of permanent disabilities of the vision (reduced and visually impaired because of corneal lesions, the development of optical neuropathy and even atrophy of the optic nerve). Deliver serious concerns and violate the comfort of familiar life strabismus and proptosis, which are among the most persistent residual symptoms.

Therapeutic measures are based on an understanding of the changes that occur in the extra-ocular muscles and orbital tissue in endocrine ophthalmology. Treatment depends on the degree of compensation of impaired thyroid function, activity of the pathological process in the tissues of the orbit of clinical symptoms and duration of the disease.


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