Kathrine Zita

Duke Peterson Vision Cure Program

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Radiation And Surgical Treatment For Vision Improvement - Duke Peterson’s Vision Without Glasses

It must be remembered that the treatment of endocrine ophthalmology should always begin with therapeutic interventions aimed at normalization of thyroid function.

Ophthalmologist should not prescribe medication to consult an endocrinologist. Combined therapy of endocrine ophthalmology involves medication (symptomatic glucocorticosteroid), radiation and surgical treatment.

Axioms eye

• Anything good for the body, it is useful and eyes.

• Exercises for the body and have a beneficial effect on the eyes, but his eyes never just these exercises - they need more and your own.

• Exercises for eyes exert their full effect, i.e., reinforce and develop the vision, only if they perform regularly - every day and several times during the day. On the restoration of health, including eye health, you need a lot of time, but who wants to be healthy, he finds time.

• Fatigue Eye - one of the...

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Treatment Of Endocrine Ophthalmology - Vision Without Glasses Scam or Not?

Edematous exophthalmos more common (62.7%), endocrine myopathy frequency takes second place (21.7%), less likely to seek to ophthalmology patients with thyrotoxic exophthalmos (15.6%).

Typically, endocrine ophthalmology develops in one direction starts with thyrotoxic exophthalmos, which can go into edematous exophthalmos, and sometimes fail picture endocrine myopathy. When the last two forms of extra-ocular muscle and orbital tissue morphologically first noted intense cellular infiltration, giving place to the stage of fibrosis.

Treatment of endocrine ophthalmology - Up to 78% of patients with endocrine ophthalmology in need of treatment, opinion on the possibility of self-regression of the disease is unfounded. Isolation of thyrotoxic exophthalmos and edema and endocrine myopathy suggests that regression of symptoms is possible only if thyrotoxic exophthalmos.


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The Clinical Course Of Endocrine Ophthalmology - Duke Peterson

Nevertheless, it is now possible to say with confidence that endocrine ophthalmology is not an independent disease, but is the result of complex immune mechanisms against the background of overt or covert thyroid dysfunction. In the development of exophthalmos involved three equal factors: the increase in the volume of extra-ocular muscles as a result of cellular infiltration increased orbital fat and soft tissue swelling of the orbit (extra-ocular muscles and orbital fat). In addition, there is a violation of venous blood flow in the orbit.

The clinical course of endocrine ophthalmology - The term “endocrine ophthalmology” form of the disease is called, which occurs in 40-70% of patients with diffuse toxic goiter, characterized by a set of features and differs only by the activity of the pathological process: endocrine ophthalmology in active or not active stage. Leading signs are...

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Causes Of Worsened Vision - Vision Without Glasses

Corneal injury people can complain about the sensitivity, pain, blurred vision, and feeling as if something in my eye. The implant also mimics the structural characteristics of the eye and is a thin shell - a framework for stem cells. This means that no longer need to be transplanted cells themselves or use a donor cornea.

Stem cells are present in the implant in complete safety, since the shell consists of small “pockets”, which protect the cells and keeping them together. The shell is thinner in the center, and this allows the cells to integrate into the eye gradually as the expansion of the material.

It is worth noting that the biodegradable material is safe and has been used previously in absorb-able threads for suturing wounds. Laboratory tests also proved the effectiveness of the methodology, so that the case for clinical trials, due to start in India in the near future.


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Sunglasses Protect Eyes - Duke Peterson Eye Cure Tips

Sunglasses protect eyes - Not exactly. The fact that quality sunglasses have glass lenses with protection, which absorbs ultraviolet light, but the plastic has no protection, so wearing glasses with Chinese plastic, you just don sunglasses with dark lenses. It is useful to bury natural drops of blueberry, honey, urine, as well as simple drop.

No unprofitable, you need to apply any drops prescribed by a doctor and get involved should not self-medicate. The human eye is very sensitive to external stimuli. Generally honey, blueberries and other drops can cause allergic reactions, and even inflammatory eye disease, consult with experts.
In the prevention of eye disease and treatment, well help folk remedies -
Everything is good in moderation and in the aggregate, they give an overall positive effect, but not solve the problem. No person who has recovered such methods, but spoiled his...

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LCD Screens Protect The Eyes From The Harmful Effects Of Radiation - Duke Peterson Scam or Not?

Green has a beneficial effect on vision - Not exactly, colors like green or yellow effect on the human psyche, and vision they have almost no influence.

LCD screens protect the eyes from the harmful effects of radiation - That’s not true. These screens are partially absorbing radiation monitor, and do not clean it completely, so the eye is still tense in front of such screen or monitor.

If a child is to give cuffs, in the future he has vision problems, or he could lose it altogether
It is not necessary to give the child cuffs, because there are more efficient methods of education and punishment. As for the view, then complications may arise indeed, as the occipital portion of the brain responsible for vision.

Mobile phones, iPhone’s and eBooks spoil vision - This is truer than, as they have a detrimental impact considerably more than conventional computers.

Clean water is not...

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Carrots And Blueberries Help To Preserve Vision - Duke Peterson Program

As specified by the experts, about 50% of patients with glaucoma are unaware of their condition and check first sight only when up to 40% of the functions of the optic nerve is already irretrievably lost.

Carrots and blueberries help preserve vision

  • Many people believe that if you eat a lot of carrots and blueberries, it will help them to maintain good eyesight and even restore it. This is partly true, but it is worth noting that in order to have these products have a positive impact they need to consume not just a lot, but in huge quantities.

What would you get your daily dose of vitamin “A” person should eat 5 to 6 kg of carrots a day, who are ready for such a feat? Besides vitamin “A” also needed lutein and zeaxanthin; and they are contained in spinach, cabbage and many other products. Therefore, one carrot and blueberry will not be enough.

The use of vitamins and nutritional...

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Exercises To Improve Your Vision - Vision Without Glasses Review

Exercises to improve the accommodation:

• Select a point in the distance; look at her for several seconds, then the tip of the nose

• Stretch your arms, lock eyes on the fingers, hands move up and down, watch the movement of the arms, without changing the position of the head

• Repeat the exercise 6 to 8 times

• Complete exercises palming

By 2020, the number of people who lost their sight due to glaucoma can reach 11.2 million people - This forecast was made on March 12 ophthalmologists World week struggle with glaucoma in St. Peters-burg.

There are currently 4.5 million glaucoma patients, blinded to the disease. “The approach to the diagnosis and treatment of important and socially significant diseases, such as glaucoma, can only be comprehensive. In order to reduce the number of serious complications, including due to late recourse, It is important to keep it informed about the...

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The First Months Of Newborn Child Regarding Their Vision - Duke Peterson

In this article, we describe how newborn children see the first months of their lives as their vision is formed and what happens to him.

Birth - Newborn babies were born, they see only very close, you may even seem that pupils of different sizes. They can focus their vision only on subjects that from them at a distance of no more than 20 centimeters. If you hold the baby in his arms, he will see only your face and be able to identify. Nothing else until he not be interested and will not be available for him. The kid, of course, distinguishes colors, tones and semitones but he does not see. That is distinguished from blue cornflower he cannot, he will learn this only later.For More Read this By Duke Peterson - Vision Without Glasses

The first month - First month of life is very important, it is believed that a newborn during this period of its establishment receive basic life skills...

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