The Clinical Course Of Endocrine Ophthalmology - Duke Peterson  

Nevertheless, it is now possible to say with confidence that endocrine ophthalmology is not an independent disease, but is the result of complex immune mechanisms against the background of overt or covert thyroid dysfunction. In the development of exophthalmos involved three equal factors: the increase in the volume of extra-ocular muscles as a result of cellular infiltration increased orbital fat and soft tissue swelling of the orbit (extra-ocular muscles and orbital fat). In addition, there is a violation of venous blood flow in the orbit.

The clinical course of endocrine ophthalmology - The term “endocrine ophthalmology” form of the disease is called, which occurs in 40-70% of patients with diffuse toxic goiter, characterized by a set of features and differs only by the activity of the pathological process: endocrine ophthalmology in active or not active stage. Leading signs are proptosis, extra-ocular muscle dysfunction and visual impairment, self remission which occurs in approximately 5% of patients with disease duration less than 12 months.For More Information Read This Article Related to Muscle Building (

However, observations of such patients indicate that the clinical picture is different endocrine ophthalmology variety of symptoms, but a set of symptoms is different and depends not only on the activity of the pathological process, but also on the size and selectivity of soft tissue of the orbit (orbital fat, extra-ocular muscles). Allocate 3 independent forms of endocrine ophthalmology: thyrotoxic exophthalmos, edematous exophthalmos and endocrine myopathy.


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